Thought for June

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord! For he commanded and they were created. (Psalm 148:1-5 ESV)

As we have journeyed out of winter through spring and into summer proper it has been an opportunity for me to get out and explore more of this beautiful part of the world we live in here in Lossiemouth. Myself and Laura have enjoyed walking the dog in new places and discovering places we have not been before to enjoy, whether it be in the peace of the woods, the beauty of the coastline or watching the sun setting as we finish a walk along the beach. Each sunset is different, the tides are constantly changing the shore line and the variety of flowers and wildlife always make for interesting pictures and memories. Sometimes life can become busy and we miss the opportunity for such experiences but when we have time to slow down and appreciate our surroundings we discover the beauty and wonder of the creation which continuously points to its creator. Whether it is the sheer power of the sea or the delicate flowers it reminds us of the God we serve. He is the one that controls the oceans, that keeps the earth spinning or that puts the colours in the leaves and the plants as they bloom. We see the power of our God in creation, we see the gentleness of our God in creation and we see the creativity and beauty of our God in creation. He has created a world we can enjoy that is not black and white but full of vibrant colours, not static but ever changing beauty, we can smell, touch, taste, hear all that is around us but if we enjoy the creation, as many do, but do not acknowledge the creator we will be left wanting. Everything is designed to bring praise to God, all creation, including us. We are designed for worship and bringing praise but often that worship is directed at the wrong things. Our aim in mission as we reach out is to see that worship directed towards God. As John Piper notes ‘Mission exists because worship doesn’t’. Let us as we enjoy the creator point others to him so that they too can rightly direct their praise and their worship to a wonderful, holy and perfect God. The Lord bless you as you enjoy him and his goodness in these days.

Every blessing


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